Fall in Love with Apples

Kids eat a lot of apples, according to a new study. “Duh,” you say? We agree. Still, new research published in the journal Pediatrics found that apples account for nearly 20 percent of fruit intake among Americans ages 2 to 19.



That’s actually pretty stellar news, considering apples are surprisingly healthy. Here’s why one a day keeps the doctor away:

  • The fiber in apples may help lower the amount of cholesterol and fat in your blood
  • The phytonutrients in apples may help regulate blood sugar
  • They’re filling: the fiber found in apples has the potential to double the time it takes for your stomach to feel empty after eating – from one to two hours (meaning you’ll feel full that much longer)
    • Bonus:  a Nutrition study found that subjects who ate an apple or pear before three of six small meals per day lost significantly more weight than those who didn’t enjoy the snack
  • Apples are one of the few fruits shown to potentially reduce rates of lung cancer
  • They might lower asthma risk

One smart tip: always choose whole apples over apple juice – whole apples have much more dietary fiber.

Looking to make your kiddo’s favorite snack even healthier? Whip up a bowl up of our legendary Kefir Peanut Butter Dip. Packed with protein, fiber and probiotics, it’s a fall-flavored nosh with serious staying power:



Kefir Peanut Butter Dip

  • ¾ cup Lifeway Plain Low Fat Kefir
  • 3 Tbsp natural peanut butter*
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1-2 tsp cinnamon, optional
  • Apples, for slicing

Wash and slice the apple into pieces. We suggest at least two large apples – this recipe makes a lot of dip!

In a small microwave-safe bowl, melt the peanut butter for 20 seconds. Alternately, heat slowly on the stove over low heat until runny.

Once melted, stir in the kefir, optional cinnamon and honey until smooth. Serve warm or chill before snacking away!

Hint: check the label on your PB to make sure the only things listed are peanuts and perhaps a non-hydrogenated oil. It’s surprisingly easy for manufacturers to sneak in sugar and salt.