
Avocado Farmer Cheese Breakfast Bagel

One Avocado Farmer Cheese Breakfast Bagel to go, please! Kick off your morning with an energizing pop of high-quality, bioavailable protein and gut-loving probiotics from Lifeway Farmer Cheese. Prepared in minutes, our Avocado Farmer Cheese Breakfast Bagel combines smooth, creamy Farmer Cheese with a rich, zesty avocado spread, topped with a perfectly cooked egg. It’s the ideal balance of flavors for a quick, satisfying, and nourishing breakfast that’ll keep you fueled all day long.

The Good Kind of Fats

Half an avocado has around 115 calories and 6.7 grams of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, which are crucial for brain development, linked to lower blood pressure, and may reduce risk of heart disease and stroke.

Avocados are also full of nearly twenty essential vitamins and minerals, including (per half avocado):

  • Vitamin C (6mg) – which supports immunity and tissue growth/repair
  • Folate (60mg) – necessary for brain, nervous system and cardiovascular functions
  • Vitamin K (14 mg) – essential for strong bones and blood clotting
  • Vitamin E (1.3 mg) – an antioxidant that protects against free radical tissue damage (free radicals from cigarette smoke, air pollution, and ultraviolet light from the sun).
  • Potassium (345 mg) – avocados contain more potassium than bananas. Potassium is linked to healthy blood pressure levels, bone health, and supports digestion.
  • Fiber – half an avocado contains almost five grams of dietary fiber. This fiber not only helps you feel fuller longer (meaning less snacking throughout the day), but it also supports and helps regulate digestion. A win-win!
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin – may help maintain healthy eye-sight.


  1. Slice bagel in half. Top one half with the seasoned avocado and the other with seasoned farmer cheese.
  2. Top with eggs and enjoy!