How Lifeway Kefir Supports Healthy Skin and Hair

You may have heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” but have you ever considered that what you eat could also impact your skin and hair? We are about to dive into the fascinating world of the gut-skin axis, an emerging field of research that reveals the intricate connection between gut health and skin […]

Kefir: The Cultured Dairy Beverage You Should Be Drinking

Confused about the buzz around dairy and whether you should consume it or not? With concerns about lactose intolerance and claims that dairy can increase inflammation, it’s no wonder people are advocating against it. But it’s not always so black and white – in fact, cultured (or fermented) dairy is particularly beneficial. It can often […]

Debunking the Myth: Dairy and Inflammation

Cutting out dairy to reduce inflammation seems to be a current trend, but one that is misunderstood and, perhaps, detrimental to one’s health. The truth is unless you have a true milk protein allergy, research suggests that dairy is likely not the cause of inflammation in your body. In fact, consuming dairy and fermented dairy […]

The Gut-Skin Axis

Genetics, diet, hydration, exercise, sunscreen, and skincare all contribute to the health of our skin.  However, as the saying goes, “true beauty lies within,” which may very well hold true with keeping our skin beautiful. The Gut-Skin Axis Similar to our gut, we have a skin microbiome that is home to billions of microorganisms that […]

Probiotics, the Microbiome, and a Strong Immune System

Importance of a Balanced Microbiome Our immune system is top of mind with sick season in high gear. We know that 70-80 percent of the (immunoglunlin-producing) cells that make up the immune system are located in the gut, making it the body’s largest site of immunological response. Therefore, when our microbiome is out of balance, […]

Why Gut Health Matters

Take care of your gut so your gut can take care of you. We spend so much time hiding our gut and sucking it in, but it’s time to focus our energy on learning about its role in digestion and how to nourish it. We should be proud of all that our gut is capable […]

Mental Health in America: National Mental Health Month

Last week we introduced our Mental Health Awareness Month series with a post about new research showing a connection between probiotic-rich foods, such as kefir, and reduced anxiety. We also talked about the White House’s National Microbiome Initiative (NMI), which will “advance microbiome science in ways that will benefit individuals, communities, and the planet.” Today we’re taking this series […]

The Secret to Happiness? Gut Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a month where those who often suffer silently are acknowledged. As kefir producers, it makes us proud to know that our product may aid in bolstering mental health. There have been several studies that have linked probiotic-rich foods to a decrease in anxiety. In fact, we’ve written about probiotics’ potential mental health benefits before.