The Fitness Craze of Plogging: What You Need to Know About This Eco-Friendly Exercise

Plogging, a new hobby/exercise originating from Sweden (plocka upp), is the combination of jogging while picking up litter. This new eco-conscious exercise began in 2016, benefitting not only the body, but the planet’s health. This craze grew into a cultural connector, with the UK, Finland, Australia, Italy, India, Canada, and the US joining in. Jogging has taken on a new purpose, shedding light on global waste, and giving us the chance to rewrite the future of our planet.

Lifeway’s Top 5 Marathon Recovery Tips

Good luck to all of the 2016 Chicago Marathon participants! We hope you have an amazing race and, after celebrating, will rest comfortably. To help you recovery quickly and efficiently, we’ve put together a list of five things to help your muscles heal – so you can get back to running as soon as possible, of course! […]

Exercise That’s Good for More Than Just You

We know that regular exercise is crucial to long term health. It’s up there with complete nutrition and sleep, in terms of things you just have to do. During the cold winter months, it’s easy to tell ourselves, “not today, it’s time to hibernate.” Fortunately, winter has moved out and spring is here to stay (for […]