
Creamy Vanilla Matcha Ginger Tea

Vanilla and matcha green tea are two calming, stress-reducing plants to incorporate into your day to bring about a soothing stillness. These plants, along with ginger, are also helpful for digestion and gentle cleansing, especially when combined with Lifeway Kefir, rich in probiotics and protein. Lifeway Kefir is the best smoothie ingredient to support a healthy gut, muscles, and mind. When combined with matcha green tea, a naturally calming tea, it’s a holistic way to #LoveYourGuts in more ways than one.

The Benefits of Cultured Dairy You Need to Know

Several studies have shown a strong association between the gut-brain-microbiota. Probiotics introduced to the gut have been found to support immunityimprove allergies, and improve digestion.

Studies have shown that reduced diversity of healthy gut bacteria during early years is associated with an increase in food allergies during school-age years. In addition, kefir made from whole milk helps absorb key nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin K is important because it helps your bones absorb calcium. It’s important to know that kefir contains a special trio: vitamin D, K, and calcium – all three crucial elements to support bone health.

Prep Time: 5 mins Servings: 2


  1. Warm the water in a kettle to a slow boil or just below boiling temperature, then add hot water, Lifeway Kefir, matcha green tea powder, vanilla, juice of a lemon, and ginger powder to a blender, and blend until thoroughly blended. Or, blend the ingredients without warming and add ice to enjoy chilled and get the most probiotic benefits. Serve immediately and garnish with fresh ginger or lemon slices. Enjoy!