The Fitness Craze of Plogging: What You Need to Know About This Eco-Friendly Exercise

Plogging, a new hobby/exercise originating from Sweden (plocka upp), is the combination of jogging while picking up litter. This new eco-conscious exercise began in 2016, benefitting not only the body, but the planet’s health. This craze grew into a cultural connector, with the UK, Finland, Australia, Italy, India, Canada, and the US joining in. Jogging has taken on a new purpose, shedding light on global waste, and giving us the chance to rewrite the future of our planet.

Let’s Talk About Poop

There should be no shame or embarrassment when it comes to something as natural and primal as pooping. Yet in our modern day culture, poop is still considered taboo, causing us to go to the bathroom only when it’s empty, waiting to go until you get home, or continuous flushing to avoid anyone from hearing. […]

New Year, New You

It’s the most decadent time of year and you’re probably finalizing new year’s resolutions to undo all you’ve done during the holiday season. You’ve spent the last couple weeks indulging in rich foods and festive cocktails while the promise of a healthier lifestyle in 2017 looms just around the corner. Sure, you can post your commitment to a strict exercise routine and a healthy diet to Facebook, but how can you stick with it once January 1st hits?

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’re back with part two in our three part Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone series. Amie is a good friend of ours and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body. If you missed part one of the series, check it out here. […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

When you hear the word, “detox,” what are the first things to come to your mind? Juice cleanses? Strict diets composed purely of vegetables? Hunger and restrictive eating? A quick way to lose weight?   So called detox diets and cleanses are undoubtedly popular, as more and more people look for ways to look and […]

Exercise That’s Good for More Than Just You

We know that regular exercise is crucial to long term health. It’s up there with complete nutrition and sleep, in terms of things you just have to do. During the cold winter months, it’s easy to tell ourselves, “not today, it’s time to hibernate.” Fortunately, winter has moved out and spring is here to stay (for […]

Sitting: Your Newest Health Risk

Sitting gets a bum rap for good reasons. Study after study proves that chairs are basically a swift, direct path to disability and disease. And no, it doesn’t matter if you hit the gym after work: the simple act of remaining sedentary is enough to put you in an early grave. A new study from […]