Kefir – A Perfect Workout Recovery Drink

The secret to a great workout or competing successfully in an athletic event may come down to the foods you choose. When it comes to avoiding fatigue and performing better at the next event or workout, a focus on nutritional pre- and post-activity is a key component to success. Proper recovery foods and beverages (within […]

Which Kefir Pop Would You Choose?

Nothing is impopsicle when you have kefir! Which frozen kefir pop do you choose? Let us know by making at home and tagging us on social! Cherry Kefir Pops You should get here as soon as popsicle! These healthy Cherry Popsicles are going fast! If you can’t get here soon enough, you can make them […]

Conoce a Kefir

Lifeway Kefir es el delicioso “primo” del yogurt que está repleto de proteínas, calcio y vitamina D. Este delicioso batido es genial por si solo o en recetas y también contiene 12 cultivos probióticos vivos y activos para ayudar a la digestión y tener un sistema inmunológico saludable. Vea el video para más información, luego […]