It’s that time of year again! Time for new notebooks, packing lunchboxes, getting back into a normal bedtime routine, and embracing the excitement— and maybe even a little nervousness—that comes with each back-to-school season. Maybe you’re going to college the first time, going back to college, have kids in school, or are in middle […]
Kefir Vs Yogurt: Which one is healthier?
What exactly is the difference between kefir and yogurt? They both start out as milk, they’re both fermented, and they’re both tart and tangy — yet they’re completely different products. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest differences between kefir vs yogurt. For starters, kefir has 12 different strains of live and active cultures and […]
Kéfir Vs Yogurt: Cual es mas saludable
Te vamos a platicar la diferencia entre el kéfir y el yogurt: Ambos se hacen con leche y pasan por un proceso de fermentación, lo cual les da un sabor agrio y ligeramente ácido; pero la realidad es que son productos completamente diferentes. Aquí tenemos los datos verdaderos de las discrepancias entre el kéfir y el […]
Master the Art of Smoothies
There are many ways to create smoothies with our signature kefir. Choose from our low-fat, protein, or organic lines. If you want something more dessert-like, our frozen kefir is much healthier than fro-yo and ice cream!