Enhance your natural glow with our berry pomegranate smoothie. This crimson blend contains natural ellagic acid, an antioxidant that stimulates collagen production to improve elasticity in the skin. So raise your glasses and cheers to this rejuvenating blend! Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You Actually Need to Know With increasing research linking the correlation between […]
Pomegranate Berry Kefir Smoothie Bowl
Give your heart some love with our Pomegranate Berry Kefir Smoothie Bowl! It’s packed with antioxidants, probiotics and fiber to help keep your ticker in tip top shape.
Superfood Nuts and Berries Smoothie Bowl
Our sensational, Superfood Nuts and Berries Smoothie Bowl is so simple to make, it’s almost silly. But where it lacks in complexity, it makes up in taste and ease. For a summertime treat, we chose frozen mixed berries and our tart and tangy Lifeway Lowfat Pomegranate Kefir, plus a few small handfuls of seeds, nuts, […]
Pomegranate Kefir Baba Ghanoush
A surprisingly delicious take on a Middle Eastern classic, this Pomegranate Kefir Baba Ghanoush is a crowd pleaser every time!