Search Results for "seamus mullen"

Kale: Superfood Spotlight

Kale is everywhere these days. Tossed in salads, sautéed, blended into smoothies, roasted into chips – this superfood has become a classic choice! A leafy green veggie, kale’s earthy flavor is the perfect accent to any meal. Varieties of Kale: Curly: bright dark green or purple in color, has tight ruffled leaves. This kale is […]

8 Ways to Use Kefir Every Day

We like to think that our kefir is the ultimate secret ingredient every cook needs in his or her kitchen. Not only is kefir delicious on its own, it is also an incredibly versatile and useful ingredient in many of our favorite dishes and recipes. Kefir’s acidic nature makes it an excellent marinade for your favorite cuts […]

Carbs are Back: the Lowdown on Resistant Starch

Did you hear the news? Carbs are not the public health scourge they’ve been made out to be. Whole grains and other healthy carbs are brimming with fiber for digestive health, as well as an array of vital vitamins and minerals. Plus, they taste pretty awesome, too.   Beyond that, some carbohydrates contain a type […]

Superfood Spotlight: Cauliflower

When it comes to cauliflower, there tend to be two distinctly different opinions of this bountiful Brassica: you’re either really for it or you’re really against it. Vegetables are polarizing for sure, but there’s something about cauliflower (and to an extent, it’s cousin broccoli) that makes people either love it or leave it. Move Away […]

Superfood Spotlight: Teff

One of the food trends we’re most excited to see explode in 2016 is the growth in interest, and availability, of ancient grains (sometimes called super grains). Long gone are the days where our only options were brown or white rice. Thanks to the introduction of cous cous, followed swiftly and powerfully by quinoa (an […]

Ginger: Superfood Spotlight

The holiday seasons are arriving and so is the risk of getting sick. Be it the flu, cold, or simply just lack of energy, everyone is looking for ways to stay healthy this winter. While our first recommendation is always, “drink more kefir,” we recognize the value in including a variety of Mother Nature’s healing gifts into our daily habits! One of our favorite earthy roots is the spicy, warming, gnarly-shaped ginger.