Celebrate American Heart Month With Lifeway!

February is the month of celebrating love and kindness, and it’s also American Heart Month! This is the month to take some time to show love to your body, specifically your heart. We’ve previously shared some smart choices you can make to care of your heart, and want to give you a heart-healthy refresher on those […]

Confusion About Sugar

As consumers, it’s natural to worry about too much added sugar in the diet.  Current consumption of added sugars for most Americans is slightly higher than what is recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).  Americans’ intake is around 13% of calories per day, while the recommendation is up to 10% (270 calories) out […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Your Heart and Probiotics

Hearts are a big deal, to put it simply, and we love reading the latest studies and findings about the small steps we can take outside of the doctor’s office to keep your ticker in tip-top shape. Our interest was especially piqued when we saw a recent headline, 11 Surprising Ways to Prevent a Heart […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Women and Heart Health

If you think only older men have heart attacks, think again. Heart disease is a serious threat to people of all ages and genders, and women are actually far more likely to die from heart disease than they are from all forms of cancer combined. A shocking one in three women will succumb to heart […]