How to Stay Cool When the Weather Heats Up

Chef Seamus Mullen is back to give us some advice on a common struggle many of us face this time of year – how do we stay cool when the weather heats up? After joining us for a hot and humid (yet nonetheless fantastic) Taste of Chicago a few weeks back, Seamus is sharing his favorite ways to keep cool when the sun is at its hottest. Read on for his advice!

How to Eat Healthy When Away from Home

Chef Seamus Mullen is back on our blog giving us some advice on a common question we ask ourselves every summer – how do we stick to a clean/healthy diet while out and about or traveling? Seamus is dedicated to staying active and energized, even though he travels frequently. Read on to see his advice! […]

Seamus Mullen’s Power Granola

Today’s post and recipe come from award-winning chef, restaurateur and cookbook author Seamus Mullen. An avid kefir fan, Chef Mullen is passionate about the idea that real food heals and is a leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness. +++ For many years, I was really unhealthy and sick; I was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, […]