Celebrate American Heart Month With Lifeway!

February is the month of celebrating love and kindness, and it’s also American Heart Month! This is the month to take some time to show love to your body, specifically your heart. We’ve previously shared some smart choices you can make to care of your heart, and want to give you a heart-healthy refresher on those […]

Confusion About Sugar

As consumers, it’s natural to worry about too much added sugar in the diet.  Current consumption of added sugars for most Americans is slightly higher than what is recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).  Americans’ intake is around 13% of calories per day, while the recommendation is up to 10% (270 calories) out […]

Kefir: The Cultured Dairy Beverage You Should Be Drinking

Confused about the buzz around dairy and whether you should consume it or not? With concerns about lactose intolerance and claims that dairy can increase inflammation, it’s no wonder people are advocating against it. But it’s not always so black and white – in fact, cultured (or fermented) dairy is particularly beneficial. It can often […]

Debunking the Myth: Dairy and Inflammation

Cutting out dairy to reduce inflammation seems to be a current trend, but one that is misunderstood and, perhaps, detrimental to one’s health. The truth is unless you have a true milk protein allergy, research suggests that dairy is likely not the cause of inflammation in your body. In fact, consuming dairy and fermented dairy […]

The Deal with Vitamin D

For many of us, the winter months mean lots of snow, shorter days, and a whole lot of time spent indoors. While that’s good news for couch potatoes, it’s bad news for anyone looking to stay active and healthy. And it’s especially bad news if you’re already low in vitamin D, also known as the Sunshine […]