Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’ve reached the third and final week of our series, Spring Clean Your Diet with theHealthyApple.com’s Amie Valpone! If you missed parts one and two, check them out here and here. In part one of our series we took a look at the word “detox” and its actual meaning: A process or period of time in which […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’re back with part two in our three part Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone series. Amie is a good friend of ours and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body. If you missed part one of the series, check it out here. […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

When you hear the word, “detox,” what are the first things to come to your mind? Juice cleanses? Strict diets composed purely of vegetables? Hunger and restrictive eating? A quick way to lose weight?   So called detox diets and cleanses are undoubtedly popular, as more and more people look for ways to look and […]