Festive Holiday Recipes to Celebrate You and Your Gut Health

This holiday season as you hustle and bustle about to properly prepare for the celebrations to come, we invite you to take a moment to stop and give a nod to you and your gut health journey thus far. Whether you’re just getting started or consider yourself a microbiome probiotic pro, we hope you’ll nourish […]

Kefir Baked Sufganiyot – Baked Jelly Doughnuts

Sufganiyot, also called sufganiyah, are a dessert traditionally eaten during Hanukkah. Similar to a donut, they’re deep-fried, sugar-coated and filled with different flavors of jelly. While the traditional versions are high in fat and sugar, we’ve cut down on the guilt by replacing the heavy buttermilk with Lifeway Lowfat Plain Kefir and skipped the fryer all together (muffin […]