Sitting: Your Newest Health Risk

Sitting gets a bum rap for good reasons. Study after study proves that chairs are basically a swift, direct path to disability and disease. And no, it doesn’t matter if you hit the gym after work: the simple act of remaining sedentary is enough to put you in an early grave. A new study from […]

Ginger: Superfood Spotlight

The holiday seasons are arriving and so is the risk of getting sick. Be it the flu, cold, or simply just lack of energy, everyone is looking for ways to stay healthy this winter. While our first recommendation is always, “drink more kefir,” we recognize the value in including a variety of Mother Nature’s healing gifts into our daily habits! One of our favorite earthy roots is the spicy, warming, gnarly-shaped ginger.

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally

This time of year, we could all use a little more energy, right? The days are dark and cold, there are endless after work/school engagements, and as much as you want to believe the extra cookies you’re eating are going to fuel your workout, they’re actually throwing your metabolism way out of whack. But before […]