Smoothie de Blueberries n ‘Greens

¡Hemos dispuesto antioxidantes, fibra y probióticos en este smoothie de blueberries n ‘greens! ¡Mezcla arándanos, verduras orgánicas y nuestro kéfir de blueberries bajo en grasa y orgánico para preparar este delicioso y saludable tratamiento! Ingredientes 2 tazas de kéfir bajo en grasa orgánico de blueberries 1 taza de arándanos congeladoss 1 taza de espinacas o […]

What Firefighter and Powerlifter Hannah Hill Eats in a Day

“Being very active, working two manual labor jobs and regularly exercising, means I need A LOT of calories to keep my energy up and perform at my best. Trying to find ways to fit in good, quality food on-the-go can be tough, so planning ahead of time is a must! Every single morning, I start off with a whole bottle of Lifeway Perfect 12 Kefir. My Favorite flavor is Triple Berry Tart. I’ve been drinking Lifeway every day since around 2009!”

Post Workout Nutrition with Good for the Swole

We focus so much on our workouts and what we’re going to do, how much we’re going to lift, etc., that sometimes we forget about the importance of what we do after the workout. Post nutrition is key for actually seeing the results from the hard work we put in while exercising. If we’re not giving our bodies what they need to restore depleted energy and build stronger muscles, how can we expect to see good results? Ya feel me?

6 Foods that Fight Colds

Cold season is upon us, and this year we’re ready! We’re stocking our kitchens and pantries with our favorite food remedies that will help prevent seasonal colds and help us feel better faster if we do catch one. Check out six of our favorite, accessible, and delicious foods to fend off colds this season. Fall Foods that […]

Need some new snack ideas? We’ve got ’em!

As a Duke University Hospital dietetic intern who also happens to be lactose intolerant, Lauren Littmann is in the unique position of really needing to know her stuff when it comes to lactose-free options. So when she recently tweeted at us, “My favorite source of probiotics. Fermented milk, y’all #happygut” alongside a pic of our blueberry kefir, we knew that we wanted to reach out to her and hear what else she had to say.

Kids in the Kitchen: Why and How to Get Them Involved

As childhood obesity continues to be a public health concern, we believe it’s more important than ever to get kids excited about healthy eating. We’ve found that kids are often eager to help out in the kitchen. Cooking with kids offers parents and teachers a great opportunity to teach about nutrition and healthy choices.

There are many ways kids can assist in the kitchen, from pouring pre-measured ingredients to washing produce. The key, however, is to get them to actually learn about the health and nutrition behind the food they’re working with.

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’ve reached the third and final week of our series, Spring Clean Your Diet with’s Amie Valpone! If you missed parts one and two, check them out here and here. In part one of our series we took a look at the word “detox” and its actual meaning: A process or period of time in which […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’re back with part two in our three part Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone series. Amie is a good friend of ours and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body. If you missed part one of the series, check it out here. […]

Lifeway + Pilot Light: Feeding Minds and Fueling Appetites

The Pilot Light Chefs were back in the classroom earlier this week, bringing their unique nutrition education program and approach to Chicago-area elementary school students at Disney Magnet II. As proud and enthusiastic sponsor of Pilot Light, members of the Lifeway team were on hand to help with chef-led lessons, serve a tasty and nutritious lunch, and […]