Benefits of Lifeway Kefir

Our Lifeway Kefir is loaded with love. We love your microbiome with 12 live and active probiotic cultures. We love your bones with up to 390mg of calcium and 3.8mcg of vitamin D per serving. We love your muscles with up to 10g of protein per serving. We love your heart with kefir that is […]

9 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Kefir

Lifeway kefir is a tart and tangy fermented milk beverage that contains 12 live and active probiotic cultures and 25 to 30 colony-forming units. These beneficial bacteria and yeast-based probiotic cultures provide a myriad of health benefits, making kefir a perfect addition to breakfast, a light snack, a probiotic boost to recipes, and an excellent […]

New Year, New You

It’s the most decadent time of year and you’re probably finalizing new year’s resolutions to undo all you’ve done during the holiday season. You’ve spent the last couple weeks indulging in rich foods and festive cocktails while the promise of a healthier lifestyle in 2017 looms just around the corner. Sure, you can post your commitment to a strict exercise routine and a healthy diet to Facebook, but how can you stick with it once January 1st hits?