Ways to Be Mindful and Supportive of Your Mental Health

  Mental health is not a one-size fits all issue; it’s a multi-faceted part of our health that can be affected by many things. Our mental health also affects our physical health and vice versa, so it’s essential that we do things on a daily basis to take care of our physical bodies so that […]

Why Gut Health Matters

Take care of your gut so your gut can take care of you. We spend so much time hiding our gut and sucking it in, but it’s time to focus our energy on learning about its role in digestion and how to nourish it. We should be proud of all that our gut is capable […]

The Wellbeing of Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is when we take a moment to shed light on a topic that is considered taboo. Mental health can often be an uncomfortable conversation because it’s not a black and white topic. But when we start the dialogue, knowledge, and compassion show up! If you know someone who has been affected […]

Stress Awareness Month

Stress is personal, both biological and psychological, affecting the mind and body on a cellular level. Naturally, we find stress to be bad, something that holds us back, but what would happen if we changed our perspective? A natural part of our human experience, stress can be anything life brings our way that has the potential to upset our balance. In 2017, anxiety disorders were the most common mental illness, affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older.

Mental Health in America: National Mental Health Month

Last week we introduced our Mental Health Awareness Month series with a post about new research showing a connection between probiotic-rich foods, such as kefir, and reduced anxiety. We also talked about the White House’s National Microbiome Initiative (NMI), which will “advance microbiome science in ways that will benefit individuals, communities, and the planet.” Today we’re taking this series […]

The Secret to Happiness? Gut Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a month where those who often suffer silently are acknowledged. As kefir producers, it makes us proud to know that our product may aid in bolstering mental health. There have been several studies that have linked probiotic-rich foods to a decrease in anxiety. In fact, we’ve written about probiotics’ potential mental health benefits before.