Dark chocolate is alluring, dreamy, and divine. There is truly a magical energy to it. Its bittersweet taste tends to leave us feeling comforted. With cravings heightened all year long, our love for chocolate knows! And, lucky for us, dark chocolate is now referred to as a healthy treat.
Coconut: Superfood Spotlight
Coconuts have a way of reminding us of long vacations, walks on the beach, hula dancing, and tropical drinks. From a family vacation in Hawaii to a yoga retreat in Sri Lanka, coconuts connect us to the culture we immerse ourselves in. This hearty fruit is a not only a refreshing treat but also a […]
Superfood Spotlight: Walnuts
If you’ve seen an increase in news about walnuts lately, you’re not alone. The aptly named “Wonder Nut” has been the focus of many research studies lately, specifically in regard to their potential anti-aging properties. “Anti-aging” is a bit misleading, if you ask us. After all, you can neither slow down, stop or reverse […]
Superfood Spotlight: Rhubarb
If you take a trip to any grocery store, farmers market or supercenter in throughout the United States this week, you’ll likely come across rows of long, rose and green colored stalks of fresh rhubarb. Coming into season near the beginning of spring in colder climates, rhubarb is the perennial harbinger of spring. It sticks around just […]
Superfood Spotlight: Hibiscus
With February coming to a close, we’re feeling the first inklings of the coming spring. From sunny afternoons and longer days to birds chirping and trees budding, we know that winter’s grasp is loosening and an end to our winter blues is nearby. While winter in the Midwest (where we happen to be) is typically an […]
Superfood Spotlight: Cauliflower
When it comes to cauliflower, there tend to be two distinctly different opinions of this bountiful Brassica: you’re either really for it or you’re really against it. Vegetables are polarizing for sure, but there’s something about cauliflower (and to an extent, it’s cousin broccoli) that makes people either love it or leave it. Move Away […]
Superfood Spotlight: Teff
One of the food trends we’re most excited to see explode in 2016 is the growth in interest, and availability, of ancient grains (sometimes called super grains). Long gone are the days where our only options were brown or white rice. Thanks to the introduction of cous cous, followed swiftly and powerfully by quinoa (an […]
Brussels Sprouts: Superfood Spotlight
Brussels sprouts grace our plates during the holiday season, bringing back memories of childhood avoidance. But as we grew up, we (or at least most of us) started to appreciate their unique taste and superfood qualities. Whether we have them as a side during Thanksgiving or torture our kids with taking a bite, it’s important to realize that these little cabbages come with […]