5 Nutrition Tips to Make Your Run More Effective

Running has a way of making us feel alive. It’s natural and invigorating to feel our feet on the earth and the breeze roll off our skin. From a path in the woods, a busy city sidewalk, or a gym treadmill, we have a sense of freedom when we run. Freedom from our thoughts, to-do lists, and work. Whether we’ve run a marathon or around the neighborhood, we must remember to care for our bodies when we get home. After a run, our food choices, actions, and sleep schedules affect us more than we know!

In our latest blog, we put together some nutrition tips that anyone – whether you’re running in a marathon or just starting a couch to 5k program – can benefit from!

Sweet Potatoes: Superfood Spotlight

Sweet potatoes are divine veggies that grace our plates during the holiday seasons! These beauties range in color from orange, yellow, and purple. From a Thanksgiving meal to a post-workout snack, sweet potatoes are full of flavor and all things good for you. A one cup serving of sweet potato (cooked, with the skin on) […]

Kale: Superfood Spotlight

Kale is everywhere these days. Tossed in salads, sautéed, blended into smoothies, roasted into chips – this superfood has become a classic choice! A leafy green veggie, kale’s earthy flavor is the perfect accent to any meal. Varieties of Kale: Curly: bright dark green or purple in color, has tight ruffled leaves. This kale is […]