A Superfood Smoothie is a Hangover Helper

The best cure for a hangover? Prevention. But with so much champagne flowing on New Year’s Eve, it can be easy to overdo it. Just in case that bubbly leaves you with a queasy stomach and mega-headache, you would be wise to head into the new year with smart choices and gut-healthy actions. Things to […]

Lifeway Yearly Roundup

It’s the time of the year when we look back with reflection and thanks. As we end 2023, we’re recapping our top recipes, Lifeway products, blog posts, and fun events we shared with you this year. We’re so grateful that you chose to be a part of 2023 with Lifeway. Thank you! Here are the […]

2023 Holiday Recipe Roundup

We’re celebrating the festivities of the Christmas holiday with our 2023 Recipe Roundup full of seasonal delights to nourish and bring cheer. Our probiotic Lifeway Kefir and Farmer Cheese both contain billions of live probiotic cultures to support gut health and immunity that are integral to good health while also being a natural source of […]