
Probiotic Partner: Sauerkraut

At the start of the year, E! News predicted that sauerkraut would be one of the trendiest foods of 2015. That’s because the crunchy, tangy fermented side dish is overflowing with healthy probiotic bacteria. In fact, all those good-for-you bugs are likely what prompted iconic integrative physician Andrew Weil, MD, to call sauerkraut “a living […]

The Wonders of Whey

Over the past few weeks the Lifeway Kitchen team has been experimenting with straining our kefir into a thick cream. The results are amazing (check out this recipe to see for yourself), but we’ve run into one problem: what should we do with all of the whey. Wait, whey? What’s whey? Milk, and therefore kefir, is […]

Why Our Kefir is Up to 99% Lactose-Free

If you’re a fan of our kefir, there’s likely a specific reason you took the plunge and grabbed your first bottle. While some of you grew up drinking it, others  may have tried based on a tip from a friend, had it recommended by a health practitioner, or read a news story promoting the many […]

5 Easy Ways to Improve Digestive Health

Summer schedules typically fill up fast — longer days allow for more activities. Summer’s also a time when healthy eating is tossed to the wind in favor of convenience, when homemade meals are replaced by packaged snacks or drive-through bags. Bloating, gas, constipation, and pain in general, are all symptoms of a stressed stomach looking for relief.   Digestive health doesn’t […]

What’s the Deal with Fermented Foods?

There’s been a lot of buzz around cultured and fermented foods recently, and for good reasons. While some may of these good bacteria-rich foods have strange-sounding names – kimchi, miso and kombucha, for example – kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut and yes, even wine and beer, are fermented foods that offer some surprising health benefits. Fermentation, or lacto-fermentation, […]

Easy Ways to Balance Your Belly Bugs

Ten trillion. That’s the number of bacteria, good and bad, that are alive and well in your body. A good portion of them reside in your gut. When in balance, they regulate your digestive system, keep your immune system strong and promote a positive mood. When they’re out of balance…well, you know…you feel it. And […]

Gas Attack: What to Eat to Avoid Bloat

  Ever wondered why some foods cause more bloating than others?  If you’ve ever experienced excess flatulence or bloating, you know it can be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant.  While it might feel like gas tends to come at the most inconvenient times, there are a few things you can do to recognize why it happens […]

Tummy Troubles, Be Gone with Lifeway Kefir

“My tummy hurts!” a dear moaned to us over the phone the other day. “What’s wrong?” we asked. “It’s in knots. I feel awful. I don’t even want to move. But I dragged myself to the store to see if there’s any medicine I can take.” Medicine? We thought. Who needs pricey drugs when a creamy, […]

Kefir Sundaes for National Ice Cream Sundae Day

Ah, the ice cream sundae! No summer is complete without indulging in at least one of these comfort food classics. While the birth place of the original ice cream sundae is still heatedly contested, according to What’s Cooking America, “some historians claim…that the name ‘sundae’ was created in response to the Blue Laws which said […]