There should be no shame or embarrassment when it comes to something as natural and primal as pooping. Yet in our modern day culture, poop is still considered taboo, causing us to go to the bathroom only when it’s empty, waiting to go until you get home, or continuous flushing to avoid anyone from hearing. […]
Avocado: Superfood Spotlight
Creamy and dreamy, avocados are nature’s butter. Whether mashed into guacamole or spread onto seeded toast, there are countless ways to indulge in all the delicious, nutritious benefits avocados have to offer.
Chef Tips: Breakfast On-The-Go
Today’s post and recipe comes from our friend Seamus Mullen, an award-winning chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, and leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness.
Life is busy. We never seem to have enough time: to cook, relax, or complete all the little errands that are constantly accumulating on our “to-do” lists. Eating a healthy breakfast is a small but effective way to set your day on the right track. Unfortunately, breakfast often ends up taking a backseat or is completely sacrificed because of our lack of time. While I may not be able to gift you extra hours in the day, I may be able to help you better organize your breakfast so you can spend less time in the kitchen and still have a filling and healthy meal.
Kéfir Vs Yogurt: Cual es mas saludable
Te vamos a platicar la diferencia entre el kéfir y el yogurt: Ambos se hacen con leche y pasan por un proceso de fermentación, lo cual les da un sabor agrio y ligeramente ácido; pero la realidad es que son productos completamente diferentes. Aquí tenemos los datos verdaderos de las discrepancias entre el kéfir y el […]
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Probiotics
We’ve all heard how healthy probiotics can be for you — but what exactly are they? We’ve got answers for all of your probiotic-related questions. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about probiotics and their benefits.
Chef Tips: How to Have an Easy Healthy Lunch
Life can get really busy this time of year. We all go head-first into the New Year with intentions to take better care of ourselves, lose that extra 10 pounds, or simply improve our health altogether. But too often the hectic game of life gets the better of us. A lot of people especially struggle to eat well at work. I’ve found that it’s easiest to stay on track with my health and nutrition by following these three guidelines.
6 Steps to Conquering Portion Control
Proper portion control saves money and time, improves digestion, and helps reach or maintain a healthy weight for all body types. It sounds simple in theory, but it can be difficult to execute – especially if you love to eat! Don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you! Take a look at our 6 tips and conquer portion control once and for all.
How to Meal Prep Your Way to a Healthier Diet
We know how it goes – you want to eat healthy but once lunchtime comes around it’s just more convenient to grab a quick burger. If you want to eat right every day, all you need are the right tools. When it comes to starting and maintaining a healthy balanced diet, preparation is truly the key to success. Devote an hour or two every weekend to prepare a week’s worth of meals and start your week with a healthy mindset.
New Year, New You
It’s the most decadent time of year and you’re probably finalizing new year’s resolutions to undo all you’ve done during the holiday season. You’ve spent the last couple weeks indulging in rich foods and festive cocktails while the promise of a healthier lifestyle in 2017 looms just around the corner. Sure, you can post your commitment to a strict exercise routine and a healthy diet to Facebook, but how can you stick with it once January 1st hits?
Made with Lifeway Winter Recipe Book 2017
Winter, the season of blustery mornings and evening snuggles, is the perfect opportunity to spend some extra time taking care of yourself and eating healthy.
To help you stay on a healthy track, we’ve created an array of healthy recipes that will nourish your body and warm your soul, all featuring Lifeway products.