Superfood Spotlight

Superfood Spotlight: Hibiscus

With February coming to a close, we’re feeling the first inklings of the coming spring. From sunny afternoons and longer days to birds chirping and trees budding, we know that winter’s grasp is loosening and an end to our winter blues is nearby. While winter in the Midwest (where we happen to be) is typically an […]

Superfood Spotlight: Cauliflower

When it comes to cauliflower, there tend to be two distinctly different opinions of this bountiful Brassica: you’re either really for it or you’re really against it. Vegetables are polarizing for sure, but there’s something about cauliflower (and to an extent, it’s cousin broccoli) that makes people either love it or leave it. Move Away […]

Superfood Spotlight: Teff

One of the food trends we’re most excited to see explode in 2016 is the growth in interest, and availability, of ancient grains (sometimes called super grains). Long gone are the days where our only options were brown or white rice. Thanks to the introduction of cous cous, followed swiftly and powerfully by quinoa (an […]

Brussels Sprouts: Superfood Spotlight

Brussels sprouts grace our plates during the holiday season, bringing back memories of childhood avoidance. But as we grew up, we (or at least most of us) started to appreciate their unique taste and superfood qualities. Whether we have them as a side during Thanksgiving or torture our kids with taking a bite, it’s important to realize that these little cabbages come with […]

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Superfood Round Up

Since beginning our Healthy Ingredient Spotlight series in January, we’ve broken down the health benefits of 12 different fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices that we love using in our kitchen. We’re excited to keep the series going and to bring you a slew of new spotlights as the cooler months roll in (they’ll be here […]

Watermelon: Superfood Spotlight

Hot summer days always make us yearn for a cold, juicy slice of watermelon. No cookout, barbecue, picnic – or even weekend – is complete without it (or our limited edition Watermelon Kefir, for that matter). With a water content of about 90%, it’s understandable why we crave this refreshing fruit when the mercury rises. But there’s a lot more to watermelon than just water. This pink fruit is bursting with benefits!

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Dates

With a questionable appearance and an unassuming name, dates aren’t typically the first thing someone these days will reach for when they’re looking for a snack. That hasn’t always been true, though. In fact, for centuries dates had been the go to for a quick pick me up, thanks to their high levels of natural, […]

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Watercress

When it comes to consuming a healthy diet, most people would agree that green leafy vegetables play an important role. Kale currently enjoys the spotlight, thanks to its high nutrient density score, availability and versatility, even if the taste does take some getting used to. But it’s not the lone inhabitant at the top of the nutritional […]

Ginger: Superfood Spotlight

The holiday seasons are arriving and so is the risk of getting sick. Be it the flu, cold, or simply just lack of energy, everyone is looking for ways to stay healthy this winter. While our first recommendation is always, “drink more kefir,” we recognize the value in including a variety of Mother Nature’s healing gifts into our daily habits! One of our favorite earthy roots is the spicy, warming, gnarly-shaped ginger.