Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Manifest beachy vibes with a tropical snack. You’ll be ready for a full day of surfing by incorporating our kefir into a smoothie bowl of freshly chopped mango and kiwi, and coconut shavings. You’ll trick yourself into thinking you’re in paradise with the sun shining on your bronzed face. Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You […]

Kiwi Kefir Ice Cream

This Kiwi Kefir Ice Cream is a 4-ingredient recipe that is simple and nutritious – perfect for summer! With a refreshing combination of kiwi, banana, spinach, and kefir, this creamy treat is high in potassium and calcium.  Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You Need to Know With increasing research linking the correlation between probiotics, gut health, and immunity, it’s no secret that […]