Golden Immunity Smoothie

☀️ Golden Immunity Smoothie ☀️ We’ve teamed-up with MegaFood to give this smoothie a vitamin-c twist. When our gut-healthy, probiotic Lifeway Kefir is blended with MegaFood’s vitamin-c powder, it’s doubling down in an effort to keep our immune systems strong and healthy. This recipe for the Golden Immunity Smoothie creates a drink that’s the perfect […]

Orange and Banana Cream Smoothie

What are probiotics? Probiotics are “good” bacteria. They are live microorganisms similar to the ones already living in your gut and may offer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. The word “probiotic” itself is often translated to “beneficial for life.”  It is derived from the Latin word “pro” meaning “for” and the Greek word “biotic” meaning […]