Lifeway Organic Grassfed Kefir With Natural Prebiotic Fiber

It seems like everywhere you look these days you see advertisements and messages encouraging you to eat more fiber. And why not? Fiber serves many important purposes in the body and is crucial for overall health. You’re probably familiar with its ability to help keep you regular and improve digestion, but adequate fiber intake may […]

It Takes Two: Prebiotics and Probiotics

Everyone’s talking about probiotics these days – the enzymes and bacteria that help regulate digestion, support immunity and generally make you feel good. Prebiotics are another, equally important component of a healthy diet. But what exactly are they?

7 Ways To Keep Your Gut Healthy When You Have Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, with November 14th marked as World Diabetes Day. It’s a month and day to bring public health awareness efforts and initiatives for those living with diabetes or for those who may be at risk.  Afterall, it affects about 37 million Americans (both adults and youth), and 537 million adults […]

#SummerHarvest Smoothie Collection

Feeling adventurous? Explore the #SummerHarvest tag to see all the amazing smoothie creations our community shared in July! Then you can make your own version and tag us in your #SummerSmoothie. Summer Harvest Smoothie by vindiskitchen Recipe: 1 cup baby spinach ½ cup cucumber, diced ½ avocado halved, pitted, and peeled ¼ cup fresh blueberries […]

Figs: Superfood Spotlight

Figs give us a taste of the past. With their sweet, tangy flavor and smooth yet crunchy texture, they are considered one of the oldest fruits, grown over 11,400 years ago. Eating and cooking this ancient superfood is like enjoying a piece of history and legend.

Sunchokes: Superfood Spotlight

Sunchokes, otherwise known as Jerusalem artichokes, are root vegetables that resemble the look of ginger with the texture of potatoes. Sunchokes are native to North America, originally found in the central United States and Canada before being introduced to France in 1616. It was with that journey to Europe that this knobby veggie first began […]

Cranberries: Superfood Spotlight

Fresh cranberries are small, tart, and vibrantly red. They’re an embodiment of family gatherings, cozy winter days, and the holiday season. Despite being a modern symbol for holiday cheer, the love for these festive fruits started in the early 1500s.

Dark Chocolate: Superfood Spotlight

Dark chocolate is alluring, dreamy, and divine. There is truly a magical energy to it. Its bittersweet taste tends to leave us feeling comforted. With cravings heightened all year long, our love for chocolate knows! And, lucky for us, dark chocolate is now referred to as a healthy treat.

Avocado: Superfood Spotlight

Creamy and dreamy, avocados are nature’s butter. Whether mashed into guacamole or spread onto seeded toast, there are countless ways to indulge in all the delicious, nutritious benefits avocados have to offer.