What to Know About GLP-1: Gut Health Support and More

GLP-1 medications have taken off rapidly and are increasing in use as individuals continue seeking an easier way to control hunger and cravings. These medications are well-known for their use in the treatment of diabetes and obesity due to the way they lower blood sugar levels, however, you may not know that our bodies release […]

5 Gut-Loving Cherry Recipes for National Cherry Month

Cherries are making huge waves in 2025 from food to fashion and more, plus, February is National Cherry Month! We’ve got plenty of cherry-filled goodness to share with you in the coming months, starting with some of our favorite recipes using Lifeway Kefir. Lifeway Kefir is available in multiple cherry options, including Black Cherry Organic […]

Celebrate American Heart Month With Lifeway!

February is the month of celebrating love and kindness, and it’s also American Heart Month! This is the month to take some time to show love to your body, specifically your heart. We’ve previously shared some smart choices you can make to care of your heart, and want to give you a heart-healthy refresher on those […]

Protein and The Importance of Bioavailability

You’ve seen it and heard it: protein is everywhere this year and that’s not stopping anytime soon. However, not all protein is created equal and we’re here to tell you all about what you need to know to ensure you choose the best protein choices to benefit your body the most. We don’t want you […]

How to Recover After Food Poisoning

Food safety is of great importance during this time of year when homemade treats, leftovers, and holiday dinners can be subject to improper food safety protocols. There also seems to be a new weekly headline announcing another recall or food poisoning occurrence with big and small companies everywhere. With so many potential triggers on the […]

Probiotics: Food vs. Supplements and What You Need to Know

Gut health is nearly synonymous with probiotics since we all know we need healthy gut bacteria to live well and feel our best. Probiotics are live microorganisms similar to the ones already living in your gut and may offer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts.  Together with a healthy diet that is also rich in prebiotics, […]

Summer Smoothies with Lifeway

It’s summertime! That means it’s time for chilled, refreshing smoothies of all flavors and kinds to combat the heat. So we’ve rounded up a sensational selection of simple summer smoothies to choose from whatever your heart desires. From bright berries to glorious greens, tantalizing tropical blends, and magnificent melon delights, there’s no smoothie recipe left […]

Benefits of Lifeway Kefir

Our Lifeway Kefir is loaded with love. We love your microbiome with 12 live and active probiotic cultures. We love your bones with up to 390mg of calcium and 3.8mcg of vitamin D per serving. We love your muscles with up to 10g of protein per serving. We love your heart with kefir that is […]

Confusion About Sugar

As consumers, it’s natural to worry about too much added sugar in the diet.  Current consumption of added sugars for most Americans is slightly higher than what is recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA).  Americans’ intake is around 13% of calories per day, while the recommendation is up to 10% (270 calories) out […]