Cooking with Kefir: Healthy Kefir Swaps

While drinking a tall, cold glass of creamy kefir is a classic way to enjoy our favorite tart and tangy probiotic beverage, it’s certainly not the only way. There are several ways to use kefir as a healthy swap to your favorite recipes! We love cooking with kefir and using it in any recipe we […]

Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Gorgeous Greens

Raise your hand if you know a child who finishes their peas and broccoli, on their own, without protest. We bet very few of you have your hands up, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Vegetables of any variety generally fall into the “yucky” category, due to their tendency to be bitter and less sweet […]

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Watercress

When it comes to consuming a healthy diet, most people would agree that green leafy vegetables play an important role. Kale currently enjoys the spotlight, thanks to its high nutrient density score, availability and versatility, even if the taste does take some getting used to. But it’s not the lone inhabitant at the top of the nutritional […]