Lifeway Farmer Cheese vs. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese may be more familiar in name and product, however, Farmer Cheese is its better-for-you cousin. Both kinds of cheese offer a soft curd texture, an excellent source of protein, and a good source of calcium, but that is where the similarities end. Learn more about why Farmer Cheese has the upper edge over […]

Hemp: Superfood Spotlight

Hemp. This is a plant that has quite a controversial association. It tends to leave the one thinking about marijuana rather than plant-based plastics, treeless paper, fabric, and healthy cooking. However, within recent years, we have seen the rise of hemp being used in the fashion and culinary worlds, giving people the opportunity to see this plant in a new light.

5 Things To Do Instead of Watching the Big Game

Across the nation, football fans are gathering at sports bars or hosting parties at home to watch the big game. Sure it’s a favorite American holiday for sports fans, but some of us are just not into it. If you fall into the latter crowd, go ahead and treat yourself to something you actually want to do today. You can always catch the highlights tomorrow. Here are five things to do that don’t involve football.

What To Eat the Day Before the Big Feast

The holiday season has arrived and so has an abundance of delicious food, parties, and traveling. During this festive chaos, it’s easy to get caught up in everything and forget to nourish our wellbeing. Instead of starving yourself in order to maintain your hunger for the feast, it’s healthier to mindfully snack throughout the day. Here are some of our favorite ways to snack the day before Thanksgiving!

The Wellbeing of Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is when we take a moment to shed light on a topic that is considered taboo. Mental health can often be an uncomfortable conversation because it’s not a black and white topic. But when we start the dialogue, knowledge, and compassion show up! If you know someone who has been affected […]

New ProBugs Are Here! Now with 12 Probiotics and a Refreshed Pouch

When our founder Michael Smolyansky was still with us, he and our CEO Julie would often discuss the need for a kids product. They knew kids needed probiotics. They knew kids loved kefir. They just needed some kid-friendly flavors and packaging. In April of 2002, Julie had an epiphany that led to the creation of […]

Hibiscus Rhubarb Pie Kefir is Back on Shelves!

Spring is here, which means it’s Hibiscus Rhubarb Pie season. This limited edition flavor is a vibrant, floral blend that pairs well with fresh air and sunny days.

Our Lowfat Kefir is up to 99% lactose-free, gluten-free, and made with all natural, non-GMO ingredients. Hibiscus Rhubarb Pie is our limited edition spring flavor and is lightly sweetened with 1g of added cane sugar per ounce. You can use it in smoothies, dips, and other recipes. Or simply pour yourself a glass! After all, it is the Champagne of Dairy.