We All Scream for Frozen Kefir

Back in 1984, President Ronald Reagan pleased democrats and republicans alike when he officially designated July as National Ice Cream Month. No matter whom you vote for, everyone can agree that a cold cup or cone of creamy frozen goodness is the perfect way to cap off a steamy summer day. Now we don’t like to […]

8 Ways to Use Kefir Every Day

We like to think that our kefir is the ultimate secret ingredient every cook needs in his or her kitchen. Not only is kefir delicious on its own, it is also an incredibly versatile and useful ingredient in many of our favorite dishes and recipes. Kefir’s acidic nature makes it an excellent marinade for your favorite cuts […]

How to Enjoy Snack Time While Still Eating Healthy

In the Lifeway Kitchen, snack time is one of our favorite times. We firmly believe that eating healthy snacks between meals, or when we’re hungry, helps us stay on track with a healthy diet and avoid binge eating (or digging into the cookie jar) later. In other words, snacks can be crucial to sticking to […]

Seamus Mullen’s Power Granola

Today’s post and recipe come from award-winning chef, restaurateur and cookbook author Seamus Mullen. An avid kefir fan, Chef Mullen is passionate about the idea that real food heals and is a leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness. +++ For many years, I was really unhealthy and sick; I was suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, […]

Cooking with Kefir: Healthy Kefir Swaps

While drinking a tall, cold glass of creamy kefir is a classic way to enjoy our favorite tart and tangy probiotic beverage, it’s certainly not the only way. There are several ways to use kefir as a healthy swap to your favorite recipes! We love cooking with kefir and using it in any recipe we […]