5 Important Tips for a Healthy Back-to-School Season

  It’s that time of year again! Time for new notebooks, packing lunchboxes, getting back into a normal bedtime routine, and embracing the excitement— and maybe even a little nervousness—that comes with each back-to-school season. Maybe you’re going to college the first time, going back to college, have kids in school, or are in middle […]

9 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Kefir

Lifeway kefir is a tart and tangy fermented milk beverage that contains 12 live and active probiotic cultures and 25 to 30 colony-forming units. These beneficial bacteria and yeast-based probiotic cultures provide a myriad of health benefits, making kefir a perfect addition to breakfast, a light snack, a probiotic boost to recipes, and an excellent […]

#SummerHarvest Smoothie Collection

Feeling adventurous? Explore the #SummerHarvest tag to see all the amazing smoothie creations our community shared in July! Then you can make your own version and tag us in your #SummerSmoothie. Summer Harvest Smoothie by vindiskitchen Recipe: 1 cup baby spinach ½ cup cucumber, diced ½ avocado halved, pitted, and peeled ¼ cup fresh blueberries […]

Kefir – A Perfect Workout Recovery Drink

The secret to a great workout or competing successfully in an athletic event may come down to the foods you choose. When it comes to avoiding fatigue and performing better at the next event or workout, a focus on nutritional pre- and post-activity is a key component to success. Proper recovery foods and beverages (within […]

Hemp: Superfood Spotlight

Hemp. This is a plant that has quite a controversial association. It tends to leave the one thinking about marijuana rather than plant-based plastics, treeless paper, fabric, and healthy cooking. However, within recent years, we have seen the rise of hemp being used in the fashion and culinary worlds, giving people the opportunity to see this plant in a new light.

Ivan Zwick: #1 Kefir Fan

Ivan Zwick, of Marion, IL, has won national and international championships in bench press competitions. He is a former international gold medalist and decorated athlete. But what’s even more impressive? He’s 79 years old and doesn’t plan to end his weightlifting career anytime soon. This past May, Zwick competed at the World Bench Press Championships […]

Let’s Spoon: Kefir Cups are Now Nationwide

Our kefir cups are now available nationwide! Each cup has the thick, creamy texture of your favorite Greek Yogurt with up to twice as many probiotics. Packed with protein and calcium, each 5oz container comes complete with a mini spoon and resealable lid so you can enjoy it anytime. It comes in both organic and non-organic varieties!