How Fermented Foods Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

  Keeping blood sugar levels stable and healthy can be a concern for many people, even for those who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, an autoimmune disorder that affects millions worldwide. Managing blood sugar levels and preventing up and down spikes is vital to feeling your best and avoiding potential health issues. Stable blood sugars help […]

New Year, New You

It’s the most decadent time of year and you’re probably finalizing new year’s resolutions to undo all you’ve done during the holiday season. You’ve spent the last couple weeks indulging in rich foods and festive cocktails while the promise of a healthier lifestyle in 2017 looms just around the corner. Sure, you can post your commitment to a strict exercise routine and a healthy diet to Facebook, but how can you stick with it once January 1st hits?

5 Back-to-School Snack Hacks for Probiotic Health

Whether you’re heading back to college or have kids of your own, prepping snacks and lunches in advance can save a lot of time. We have some snack ideas that will help you tackle the busy fall schedules ahead.   1. The To-Go Snack Being hangry is the last thing you want when trying to shuttle your kids […]

Healthy Snack Ideas For a Healthy Gut

As a Duke University Hospital dietetic intern who also happens to be lactose intolerant, Lauren Littmann is in the unique position of really needing to know her stuff when it comes to lactose-free options. So when she recently tweeted at us, “My favorite source of probiotics. Fermented milk, y’all #happygut” alongside a pic of our blueberry kefir, we knew that we wanted to reach out to her and hear what else she had to say.