Turmeric: Superfood Spotlight

    Long, hot summer days always get us in the mood for all things bright, vibrant, and spicy – especially if they help give us that healthy glow! Meet your new favorite superfood: turmeric. Lauded for its close relative to ginger, this vibrant root is the quintessential ingredient in many Middle Eastern dishes like curry, soup, and rice. Many different […]

Celebrating Fathers: Father’s Day 2017

Here at Lifeway, we understand how hard it is to be a parent: juggling work, children, and a healthy lifestyle. That is why we create nutritious products that kids love and parents can feel good about. Moms get all the credit for their incredible balancing abilities – and they deserve it – but what about […]

Chef Tips: Breakfast On-The-Go

Today’s post and recipe comes from our friend Seamus Mullen, an award-winning chef, restaurateur, cookbook author, and leading authority in the conversation on food, health and wellness.


Life is busy. We never seem to have enough time: to cook, relax, or complete all the little errands that are constantly accumulating on our “to-do” lists. Eating a healthy breakfast is a small but effective way to set your day on the right track. Unfortunately, breakfast often ends up taking a backseat or is completely sacrificed because of our lack of time. While I may not be able to gift you extra hours in the day, I may be able to help you better organize your breakfast so you can spend less time in the kitchen and still have a filling and healthy meal.

Sopa de Pepino y Aguacate

Rerescante, cremoso y lleno de fibra, nuestro sopa probiótico de pepino, albahaca y calabacitas es una opción de sopa para el verano y va perfecto con trozos de pan caliente. Ingredientes ¾ de taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 2 calabacitas sin semilla y picadas 3 pepinos, sin semilla y picado 4 cebollitas de cambray picadas ½ […]

Betabel Con Kéfir

Este colorido y saludable dip de betabel preparado con Lifeway Kéfir. Rico en vitamina C y fibra te sorprenderá y apasionará a todos los paladares. Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 1 pieza de betabel grande, pelado y picado ¼ de semillas de girasol 1 Cucharada de jugo de naranja 1diente de ajo picado Preparación 1. Combina […]

Kéfir Vs Yogurt: Cual es mas saludable

Te vamos a platicar la diferencia entre el kéfir y el yogurt: Ambos se hacen con leche y pasan por un proceso de fermentación, lo cual les da un sabor agrio y ligeramente ácido; pero la realidad es que son productos completamente diferentes. Aquí tenemos los datos verdaderos de las discrepancias entre el kéfir y el […]