We know how difficult it can be to exercise when the weather gets cold and snowy – especially here in the Midwest. It’s hard to work up the motivation to stay fit when all you want to do is cuddle up in bed with a nice cup of hot chocolate.

It’s important to stay active, particularly now during the cold winter months. Exercise can help prevent seasonal illnesses and releases endorphins – the chemicals in your body that make you feel good and help beat the winter blues. Luckily, you have a lot of options for exercising indoors. Stream a cardio dance or Pilates video online, make a routine of planks and push-ups, take that yoga class you’ve been eyeing or try a new weight-lifting machine at the gym.
If you do decide to workout outside, we have some tips to keep you safe and cozy while you sweat.
Layer up
Stay warm and dry with winter-specific layers made of athletic materials or wool rather than cotton, which soaks up sweat. You’ll have to figure out the right number of layers for you at each temperature range, but 2-3 layers typically suffice depending on the material.
Get out your gloves, scarves, and ear-muffs to keep your fingers, toes, and other extremities protected against frostbite. As temperatures drop, it’s important to keep any exposed skin covered – especially your ears which can get cold quickly.
Lather on the Lotion
Moisturize liberally with lotion and petroleum jelly for extremely cold and windy workout sessions to protect your skin from the frigid air. We know it sounds weird, but trust us, your skin will thank you.
Warm Up While You Cool Down
Seek shelter immediately after you finish exercising — whether in your house, at a coffee shop, or in your car. You’ll want to keep your muscles warm after your workout and maybe have a treat waiting to reward yourself.
Fuel Your Fire
It’s crucial to nourish your muscles so they recover effectively. We always turn to our kefir, which is full of probiotics to assist your immune system and protein to refuel your muscles. Try pouring your favorite kefir flavor over a bowl of Chef Seamus Mullen’s Power Granola for a hearty, energizing breakfast or beat the cold that might be creeping in with this nutrient-packed smoothie.