We’ve known for a long time that kefir and probiotics are beneficial to health, and we continue to be excited when we learn of more and more research that supports our knowledge. From studies recommending our favorite bugs for management of digestive disorders, including Ulcerative Colitis, to papers that illustrate the gut-mind connection, probiotics are in the health spotlight more than […]
Could Probiotics Replace Antibiotics in the Meat Industry?
If you’ve ever picked up a package of chicken at the grocery store and seen the words, “no antibiotics” written on the label, you’ve probably paused and thought, “What? Why would there be antibiotics in my chicken?” But the fact is, many animals – including chickens, cows to seafood – receive routine doses of antibiotics to […]
Why You Should Drink Your Colors with Kefir
Throughout our Drink Your Colors with Kefir series, we’ve discussed the importance of including a variety of colorful, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Colorful fruits and vegetables, we’ve learned, are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that are beneficial to human health. From phytonutrients to flavonoids, antioxidants to fiber, each individual piece […]
Probiotics: The Real Tooth Fairy?
Recently, our CEO Julie Smolyansky’s oldest daughter lost one of her top front teeth. As she was promised, the Tooth Fairy paid her a visit and left $3.50 underneath her pillow – just enough to purchase a 32-ounce bottle of our kefir. Even though Toothless McGee (as we now call her) drinks kefir on a […]
5 Easy Ways to Improve Digestive Health
Summer schedules typically fill up fast — longer days allow for more activities. Summer’s also a time when healthy eating is tossed to the wind in favor of convenience, when homemade meals are replaced by packaged snacks or drive-through bags. Bloating, gas, constipation, and pain in general, are all symptoms of a stressed stomach looking for relief. Digestive health doesn’t […]
Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Powerful Purples and Blues
The last stop in our Drink You Colors with Kefir series is with our powerful, potent purples and blues. Purple and blue fruits and vegetables are abundant in nature, easily recognized and, most of all delicious. From blueberries and blackberries, to eggplants and even cauliflower, they’re packed with important vitamins and minerals and, you guessed […]
What’s the Deal with Fermented Foods?
There’s been a lot of buzz around cultured and fermented foods recently, and for good reasons. While some may of these good bacteria-rich foods have strange-sounding names – kimchi, miso and kombucha, for example – kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut and yes, even wine and beer, are fermented foods that offer some surprising health benefits. Fermentation, or lacto-fermentation, […]
Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Gorgeous Greens
Raise your hand if you know a child who finishes their peas and broccoli, on their own, without protest. We bet very few of you have your hands up, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Vegetables of any variety generally fall into the “yucky” category, due to their tendency to be bitter and less sweet […]
We’ve Got the Fever: It’s Allergy Season
Allergy season is upon us. If you’re one of the millions of bleary-eyed, runny-nosed Americans who struggle with Hay Fever every summer, as the lovely green trees, flowers and grass release their tiny pollen grains into the air, grab a tissue and take a seat. A brand new meta-analysis of 23 studies has confirmed that […]
Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Brilliant Browns and Whites
Popular brown and white fruits and vegetables include cauliflower, dates, brown pears mushrooms, parsnips, onions, garlic, ginger and potatoes. Seeds and spices, including flax seed, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, clove, nutmeg and cinnamon also fall into this category. Like all colorful fruits, vegetables and seeds, brown/white options contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. […]