
We’ve Got a Strawberry Crush

While they’re not in season just yet, we couldn’t pass up the bright boxes of strawberries we saw at the store earlier this week. Maybe it’s a longing for sunny days and warmer weather, but before we even reached the office, our culinary team was chowing down on this summertime classic. We’ve Got a Strawberry Crush Taste […]

Tummy Troubles, Be Gone with Lifeway Kefir

“My tummy hurts!” a dear moaned to us over the phone the other day. “What’s wrong?” we asked. “It’s in knots. I feel awful. I don’t even want to move. But I dragged myself to the store to see if there’s any medicine I can take.” Medicine? We thought. Who needs pricey drugs when a creamy, […]

The Power of Pomegranate

The week of love is once again upon us, and while Valentine’s Day isn’t here just yet, we’re already feeling a bit overwhelmed. From boxes of chocolates and bottles of wine to red rose bouquets and ribbon-tied teddy bears, we’re surrounded by messages prompting us to show our love by sharing a decadent gift. While […]

Sitting: Your Newest Health Risk

Sitting gets a bum rap for good reasons. Study after study proves that chairs are basically a swift, direct path to disability and disease. And no, it doesn’t matter if you hit the gym after work: the simple act of remaining sedentary is enough to put you in an early grave. A new study from […]

Post-holiday Tummy Taming Smoothie

  The morning after a night of celebratory eating and drinking can be rough. Rich, greasy, heavy and sugary foods can wreak havoc on your stomach, digestive system and overall mood. Relief is on it’s way our Kefir Tummy Taming Smoothie. Full of ingredients that are help support regularity, like kefir, ginger and melon, it’s […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally

This time of year, we could all use a little more energy, right? The days are dark and cold, there are endless after work/school engagements, and as much as you want to believe the extra cookies you’re eating are going to fuel your workout, they’re actually throwing your metabolism way out of whack. But before […]

How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

Days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping and invitations are flooding in left and right. Clearly, the holiday season is in full swing! With the rise in cheer and celebration also comes the rise in aches, pains and overall weariness – cold season is also here. Oh, the dreaded cold! The saboteur of festive fun […]

This is Your Puppy…on Probiotics

A new Wall Street Journal story is exploring the validity of pet probiotic claims, with companies promoting their products as a way to ease Fido’s chronic digestive troubles and even prevent stress-induced diarrhea in animals during travel. Apparently nobody likes flying during the holidays. Pet probiotics typically take the form of powders that can be […]