Search Results for "veggie kefir"

Lifeway + Simple Mills: Summer Vegetable Breakfast Bake

There’s not much we love more than creamy, delicious Lifeway Kefir, but if we were to make a top ten list, working with local companies that have a passion for healthy foods would be on it. That’s why we were delighted when the fine folks at Simple Mills approached us a few months back with some fabulous treats, […]

#MotherCulture 2015: Our Favorite Mom Moments

Last year for our #MotherCulture campaign, we interviewed six extraordinary moms for insight into their lives, their families and what #MotherCulture means to them. In a sense, we wanted to know what it means to be a mom, according to moms. Below are our favorite highlights from the interviews.   #MotherCulture Mom Charlotte Hilton Andersen: […]

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Lifeway Kitchen Style

We’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo in the Lifeway Kitchen with some of our favorite kefir-ized recipes, inspired by Mexican favorites. Nothing says, “fiesta” like a delicious spread of dips, dressing and snacks to share with a group of friends, right? Even better, all of these great dishes are lightened up and pack powerful probiotic punches! […]

Healthy Ingredient Spotlight: Watercress

When it comes to consuming a healthy diet, most people would agree that green leafy vegetables play an important role. Kale currently enjoys the spotlight, thanks to its high nutrient density score, availability and versatility, even if the taste does take some getting used to. But it’s not the lone inhabitant at the top of the nutritional […]

Ginger: Superfood Spotlight

The holiday seasons are arriving and so is the risk of getting sick. Be it the flu, cold, or simply just lack of energy, everyone is looking for ways to stay healthy this winter. While our first recommendation is always, “drink more kefir,” we recognize the value in including a variety of Mother Nature’s healing gifts into our daily habits! One of our favorite earthy roots is the spicy, warming, gnarly-shaped ginger.

Last-Minute Holiday Recipes

Did you bite of a bit more than you can chew this holiday season? Don’t worry, we’ve been there. Between work parties, family activities, our daily commitments and sleep (which we’re getting way less of recently), there’s little time left for planning a dinner party, let alone prepping and hosting one. We’ve got you covered […]

4 Recipes for Healthy Snacking at Work

Eating well at work can be challenging. During the cold winter months, fresh fruit is out of season, holiday deadlines approach, and tempting baked treats flood break rooms without remorse. Think about it: you’re at your desk, you’re working hard, and you’re hungry. What will you reach for? Why, you’ll reach for that bon-bon, of […]