Search Results for "veggie kefir"

Drink Your Colors with Kefir: Outrageous Oranges

Continuing down the rainbow in our Drink Your Colors with Kefir series, we’ve reached orange – the color of sunsets, basketballs, pumpkins, carrots and, well, oranges. It’s a bright color that you definitely can’t miss with your eyes, and one you don’t want to leave out of your diet! All fruits and vegetables (and even […]

Drink Your Colors with Kefir: Ruby Red Strawberries

At Lifeway, our favorite time of year is always spring – when the weather gets warmer, the days get longer and the rain starts pouring. You read that right, we love rain. Why? Well, like the old adage says, with April showers come May flowers. More precisely, May produce. We love spring because it means we […]

Strained Kefir French Onion Dip with Caramelized Onions

Ah, French onion dip. There’s something special about this ubiquitous dip. Whether you’re used to seeing it on a summer picnic table or served with chips while watching a game, few people haven’t had a taste of this not-so-traditional dip. Homemade, from a box or in a tub, everyone knows what French Onion Dip is. […]

Spring Vegetable Pasta with Kefir

Step into Spring with our Spring Vegetable Pasta with Kefir. The delicious dish spotlights the season’s fresh flavors and is easily doubled to feed a crowd. Feel free to increase the amount of veggies, or use whatever you have on hand. See notes for vegetarian substitutions.

Lifeway’s 6 Food Trends for 2016

The holiday season is at an end and for some, the beginning of the new year is a chance to reflect on the previous year and make goals for what lies ahead. Our world revolves around kefir and the many healthy applications it has on our lives and the lives of our drinkers, and we […]

5 Healthy Holiday Party Snacks

Entertaining season is well underway for the Lifeway team and if you’re like us, you look for healthy (or at least healthier) options when entertaining guests. To us, healthy is synonymous with delicious and it almost always means our kefir will be involved in some capacity. To help us get through the holidays with our […]

Is Souping the New Juicing?

Like celebrity crushes, food trends come and go with each new season. It seems like every time we open our email we’re blasted with the latest and greatest food system that promises, if we follow their plan to a T, we’ll be granted glowing skin, shiny hair, endless energy and, of course, lose all of […]