Black Lives Matter

Lifeway is more than just a kefir company. At the heart of our business is the mission to help people lead healthier, happier lives. We recognize that racism is a public health crisis, and feel it is vital that we all help lift and heal our communities, especially those that have long been impacted by […]

Probiotics, the Microbiome, and a Strong Immune System

Importance of a Balanced Microbiome Our immune system is top of mind with sick season in high gear. We know that 70-80 percent of the (immunoglunlin-producing) cells that make up the immune system are located in the gut, making it the body’s largest site of immunological response. Therefore, when our microbiome is out of balance, […]

Check In On Your Gut Health

Join us on a gut health journey. For the next five days we have a series of self-care activities planned that are simple, fun, and designed to help you prioritize your health and wellbeing. Share your progress each day with #GutCheckIn. We can’t wait to see your photos and hear all about your week. Day […]

Self Care on Black Friday

Skip the Shops and Practice Self-Care Here at Lifeway, we firmly believe skipping the Black Friday madness is good for the soul. Bring a whole new meaning to this day by skipping the stores and spending quality time with your loved ones. Preserving your mental health with a relaxing family self-care activity instead of fighting […]

21 Days of Kindness #BeKind21

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation recently announced the launch of its second annual 21 Days to Be Kind Challenge. The challenge encourages young people, families, employers, teachers, and community members to build habits that foster kindness and promote the strength and wellness of their communities. Inspired by the idea that habits are formed by […]

#GivingTuesday with The Lifeway Kefir Shop

Compassion is the core of what we do. On the last Wednesday of every month, we donate 10% of our Kefir Shop earnings for that day to a local organization, a different cause will be featured each month. We value giving back to support Chicago and the organizations working to make it a better city! November […]

Betabel Con Kéfir

Este colorido y saludable dip de betabel preparado con Lifeway Kéfir. Rico en vitamina C y fibra te sorprenderá y apasionará a todos los paladares. Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Lifeway Kefir 1 pieza de betabel grande, pelado y picado ¼ de semillas de girasol 1 Cucharada de jugo de naranja 1diente de ajo picado Preparación 1. Combina […]

Aguacate Relleno de Pico De Gallo y Kéfir

La acidez del pico de gallo combina con el sabor cremoso del aguacate y kéfir en una manera perfecta para agregar sabor y probióticos. Es una receta fácil de hacer y está llena de sabor. tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes 1 tomate cortado en cuadros pequeños ½ cebolla picada 1 cebolla verde picadas ½ pimiento jalapeño, sin […]

Horchata Con Kéfir

¡Prueba esta bebida clásica con los beneficios adicionales de nuestros kéfir! tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Wholemilk Lifeway Kefir 1 taza de arroz blanco crudo 4 tazas de agua ½ taza de azúcar granulado (endulza con más azúcar, si lo deseas) 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla 2 ramas de canela […]

The Jay Michael Frozen Dessert Program

To fulfill the wishes of former oncology patient Jay Michael, Lifeway Foods will donate frozen kefir to oncology patients at Northwestern Medicine for the next ten years.   Lifeway will donate 100 percent of the kefir product and cups to Prentice, which will serve over 100 patients daily. The soft-serve machine that will dispense the kefir […]