February is the month of celebrating love and kindness, and it’s also American Heart Month! This is the month to take some time to show love to your body, specifically your heart. We’ve previously shared some smart choices you can make to care of your heart, and want to give you a heart-healthy refresher on those […]
5 Tips for Staying Mindful During the Holidays to Help Feel Your Best
Staying mindful of health and nutrition during the holiday season, spanning from October through the end of December, can sometimes be challenging. Chocolates, baked goods, alcoholic beverages, decadent brunch and breakfast spreads, as well as richer sides and proteins are in abundance and often easy to overindulge in. Veggies, fruits, and whole grains often take […]
How to Recover After Food Poisoning
Food safety is of great importance during this time of year when homemade treats, leftovers, and holiday dinners can be subject to improper food safety protocols. There also seems to be a new weekly headline announcing another recall or food poisoning occurrence with big and small companies everywhere. With so many potential triggers on the […]
Confusion About Sugar
As consumers, it’s natural to worry about too much added sugar in the diet. Current consumption of added sugars for most Americans is slightly higher than what is recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). Americans’ intake is around 13% of calories per day, while the recommendation is up to 10% (270 calories) out […]
Ways to Support a Healthy Immune System
The fall season is an excellent time of year to take stock of your immune-supportive choices within your daily routine. Making just a handful of changes can yield many health benefits to keep your immune system and overall health in check all fall and winter long. This is also a great time of year to […]
Easy No-Bake Meals for Busy Weeknights
It’s that time of year again! Fall is right around the corner and regular schedules will resume shortly for many of us. We know that parents (and all working adults) are always looking for easy, no-bake meals to put on the table without heating up a kitchen in these late summer months. So we’re here […]
Ways to Be Mindful and Supportive of Your Mental Health
Mental health is not a one-size fits all issue; it’s a multi-faceted part of our health that can be affected by many things. Our mental health also affects our physical health and vice versa, so it’s essential that we do things on a daily basis to take care of our physical bodies so that […]
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling: Tips and Tricks
Traveling any time of the year can take a toll on our immune systems with erratic schedules, routine changes, weather extremes, and seasonal illnesses. Amongst all the excitement of travel, we may also find that sleep isn’t as much of a priority. These things can wear down our immune systems, so let’s talk about how […]
The Importance of Protein in the Human Diet
Most of us think about protein as a muscle-building nutrient that keeps our bodies strong and healthy, but protein does many things in our body way beyond just helping build muscle and aid in post-workout recovery. It’s a component of every cell and is involved in everything from blood sugar regulation to a healthy mood […]
5 Important Things to Know if You or a Loved One Has Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease is something you may or not have heard of with the recent boom in “gluten-free” products, benefits, and individuals testifying they feel better when they don’t eat sources of gluten. Others are able to eat gluten with no side effects, and in the proper whole grain form, whole grain wheat, barley, and […]