Cold and flu season are in full swing, but this year we’re ready! We’re stocking our kitchens with our favorite food remedies that will help support your body to fight off seasonal colds and flus as much as possible. Because when you have a strong healthy with a robust immune system, invaders like colds and […]
Kefir: The Cultured Dairy Beverage You Should Be Drinking
Confused about the buzz around dairy and whether you should consume it or not? With concerns about lactose intolerance and claims that dairy can increase inflammation, it’s no wonder people are advocating against it. But it’s not always so black and white – in fact, cultured (or fermented) dairy is particularly beneficial. It can often […]
It Takes Two: Prebiotics and Probiotics
Everyone’s talking about probiotics these days – the enzymes and bacteria that help regulate digestion, support immunity and generally make you feel good. Prebiotics are another, equally important component of a healthy diet. But what exactly are they?
Our 5 Favorite Easy Meal Prep Tips Using Kefir
Lifeway Kefir is one of the best ways to get probiotics, protein, calcium, and vitamins A, D, and several B vitamins all in one easy-to-digest, nearly lactose-free serving. One of our favorite things about kefir is that it’s also an easy meal-prep staple since it is so versatile and lasts a long time in the […]
Tips for College Students: How to Still Eat Healthy and Frugal If You Live in a Dorm
Whether you’re a first-time college student or going back to school this fall, we’d like to share with you some tips that can help you eat healthfully and frugally too, even if you live in a dorm with limited resources. Students on a limited income or working within a food budget and a lack […]
Hemp: Superfood Spotlight
Hemp. This is a plant that has quite a controversial association. It tends to leave the one thinking about marijuana rather than plant-based plastics, treeless paper, fabric, and healthy cooking. However, within recent years, we have seen the rise of hemp being used in the fashion and culinary worlds, giving people the opportunity to see this plant in a new light.
Why Gut Health Matters
Take care of your gut so your gut can take care of you. We spend so much time hiding our gut and sucking it in, but it’s time to focus our energy on learning about its role in digestion and how to nourish it. We should be proud of all that our gut is capable […]
Kefir Vs Yogurt: Which one is healthier?
What exactly is the difference between kefir and yogurt? They both start out as milk, they’re both fermented, and they’re both tart and tangy — yet they’re completely different products. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest differences between kefir vs yogurt. For starters, kefir has 12 different strains of live and active cultures and […]
Cinnamon: Superfood Spotlight
Cinnamon is a readily available spice that has been used since ancient Egyptian times for incense and cooking. Portuguese traders first discovered it in Sri Lanka, keeping it a secret for centuries to protect their supply. Research on this warming spice has found that it may help support in stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing […]
Figs: Superfood Spotlight
Figs give us a taste of the past. With their sweet, tangy flavor and smooth yet crunchy texture, they are considered one of the oldest fruits, grown over 11,400 years ago. Eating and cooking this ancient superfood is like enjoying a piece of history and legend.