Finding Our True North with Wanderlust

When it comes to being healthy, what you put in your body is just one piece of the puzzle, albeit a very important one. At Lifeway, we’re dedicated to producing the absolute best kefir, made from the highest quality ingredients, to fuel our bodies. We’re a health food company – the food we make should […]

Why You Should Drink Your Colors with Kefir

Throughout our Drink Your Colors with Kefir series, we’ve discussed the importance of including a variety of colorful, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Colorful fruits and vegetables, we’ve learned, are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that are beneficial to human health. From phytonutrients to flavonoids, antioxidants to fiber, each individual piece […]

Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Powerful Purples and Blues

The last stop in our Drink You Colors with Kefir series is with our powerful, potent purples and blues. Purple and blue fruits and vegetables are abundant in nature, easily recognized and, most of all delicious. From blueberries and blackberries, to eggplants and even cauliflower, they’re packed with important vitamins and minerals and, you guessed […]

Easy Ways to Balance Your Belly Bugs

Ten trillion. That’s the number of bacteria, good and bad, that are alive and well in your body. A good portion of them reside in your gut. When in balance, they regulate your digestive system, keep your immune system strong and promote a positive mood. When they’re out of balance…well, you know…you feel it. And […]