5 Easy Ways to Improve Digestive Health

Summer schedules typically fill up fast — longer days allow for more activities. Summer’s also a time when healthy eating is tossed to the wind in favor of convenience, when homemade meals are replaced by packaged snacks or drive-through bags. Bloating, gas, constipation, and pain in general, are all symptoms of a stressed stomach looking for relief.   Digestive health doesn’t […]

What’s the Deal with Fermented Foods?

There’s been a lot of buzz around cultured and fermented foods recently, and for good reasons. While some may of these good bacteria-rich foods have strange-sounding names – kimchi, miso and kombucha, for example – kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut and yes, even wine and beer, are fermented foods that offer some surprising health benefits. Fermentation, or lacto-fermentation, […]

Drink Your Colors with Kefir – Gorgeous Greens

Raise your hand if you know a child who finishes their peas and broccoli, on their own, without protest. We bet very few of you have your hands up, and there’s nothing wrong with that! Vegetables of any variety generally fall into the “yucky” category, due to their tendency to be bitter and less sweet […]

Easy Ways to Balance Your Belly Bugs

Ten trillion. That’s the number of bacteria, good and bad, that are alive and well in your body. A good portion of them reside in your gut. When in balance, they regulate your digestive system, keep your immune system strong and promote a positive mood. When they’re out of balance…well, you know…you feel it. And […]

The Power of Pomegranate

The week of love is once again upon us, and while Valentine’s Day isn’t here just yet, we’re already feeling a bit overwhelmed. From boxes of chocolates and bottles of wine to red rose bouquets and ribbon-tied teddy bears, we’re surrounded by messages prompting us to show our love by sharing a decadent gift. While […]

Kefir and Beauty: What You Need to Know + 3 Ingredient Kefir Skin Mask

    Probiotics are the hottest trend in skincare right now—and for good reason! Probiotics provide anti-inflammatory benefits to the skin and they help with softness, they may help fight acne, and can improve the ph balance of the skin, which is critical to our skin’s microbiome. Here’s how it works: Individuals who suffer from […]

This is Your Puppy…on Probiotics

A new Wall Street Journal story is exploring the validity of pet probiotic claims, with companies promoting their products as a way to ease Fido’s chronic digestive troubles and even prevent stress-induced diarrhea in animals during travel. Apparently nobody likes flying during the holidays. Pet probiotics typically take the form of powders that can be […]