What Does #MotherCulture Mean to You?

Lifeway is proud to unveil our #MotherCulture campaign with a series of ads featuring real moms who drink real kefir. Everything, including kefir, starts with a mother. While we have our own stories to share, we want to hear from our friends and fans! Lifeway CEO Julie Smolyansky is utilizing her leadership role to make the world a better place for her kids to grow up and for all mothers to build healthier communities. She is dedicated to empowering families across the country to bring wholesome, nourishing foods to the table and to their busy lives, while sharing the stories of how real moms strengthen and inspire every day.

We asked some of our followers on Twitter to share with us what #MotherCulture means to them. This is what they had to say:

  • I believe every child deserves access to healthy food, a good education and a safe world to fulfill their dreams. #MotherCulture
  • As a working mom, family dinners aren’t always possible, but every Sunday my kids and I enjoy a grand brunch! #MotherCulture
  • My kids always treat me to flats of flowers on Mother’s Day because I love to garden and enjoy seeing them all summer! #MotherCulture
  • My doula introduced me to kefir during my first pregnancy and I’ve kept up the habit! Now my 5 year is crazy about ProBugs! #MotherCulture
  • I’ve saved every handwritten note my daughter has given me on Mother’s Day – my box of 33 notes is my greatest treasure! #MotherCulture

It all starts with the #MotherCulture and what better time to celebrate the origins of life than Mother’s Day! Lifeway looks forward to celebrating the diverse cultures our fans represent in the future!

So please, tell us what #MotherCulture means to you!