Lifeway’s 6 Healthy Lifestyle Trends for 2016

Last week we brought you our list of the top 6 healthy eating/food trends we expect to be big in 2016. From full-fat dairy to floral-flavored foods, we anticipate the year will be graced with some pretty exciting eats.

But a healthy life isn’t just about what you put in your body, it’s about how you treat and think about your body, too. That’s why this week we’re bringing you our list of the top 6 trends in healthy living we expect and hope to see in 2016.

Healthy Lifestyle Trends for 2016

Lifeway Healthy Living Trends 2016


Inclusive Health Retreats

From Gurney’s Montauk to the Refinery Hotel (two of our health series partners), hotels and spas are getting into the wellness game big time by delivering intensive, inclusive and incredibly effective day and weekend-long seminars that feature good food, good music and the trendiest fitness instructors. They’re a great opportunity for people to experience new workouts and sample local food, while learning about the importance of taking care of mind and body at the same time.

Fashionable Fitness

Gone are the days of poorly cut gym shorts and bulky heart rate monitors. In 2016, we expect to see a rise of fashionable fitness items for cutting edge designers. We’re especially fond of Cynthia Rowley’s spring fitness line (Rowley) and can’t wait to get our hands on the latest smart clothing (it’s totally a thing!).

Eating on the Go

We talked about healthy snacks last week, but are taking it a step further this week and introducing healthy fast food to the mix. Restaurants like freshii amd Snap Kitchen are offering grab-and-go bites, as well as made-to-order options, that are a far cry from the burger and fries lunch of the past. We see more fresh salads, green smoothies and macro bowls on the horizon for 2016. Even better, freshii serves our soft-serve frozen kefir, meaning your dessert is covered, too!

Mind + Body Festivals

Wanderlust is one of our favorite festivals to sponsor because it combines some of our favorite things: good food, good music, good people and yoga. While you’ll be seeing us all summer long at a variety of the biggest music festivals around, we predict more fitness-focused festivals to pop up in 2016 and in the years to come.

Smaller Gyms

Big box gyms are so 2015. In 2016 and beyond, we’re going to see people choosing class-based studios, such as The Barre Code, SoulCycle and CityRow. There’s something to be said about group fitness – one part competition, one part support, 100 percent effective for reaching your fitness goals (as long as you go, that is).

Washing Your Hands

Ok, so this might be a bit odd, but here us out: of course washing your hands always has and always will be a thing; what we’re talking about is the prolific use of antibacterial hand sanitizing products and wipes, in place of regular soap and water.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be clean and prevent illness, but when you squeeze anti-bacterial gel on your hands, you’re not just killing the bad bugs, you’re killing the good bugs, too (and you know how we feel about good bugs). As long as you’re not working in a sterile environment (doctor’s office or hospital), you’re likely ok without the harsh stuff. As always, use your best judgment.