Lifeway Community

Look What We’re Launching at Expo West

It’s that time of year again! Natural Products Expo West is here and the Lifeway team is all hands on deck as we showcase our latest and greatest kefir products. We’ve been working hard over the past year to formulate fantastic new kefir flavors and products for you to enjoy and can’t wait to reveal […]

Lifeway + Pilot Light: Feeding Minds and Fueling Appetites

The Pilot Light Chefs were back in the classroom earlier this week, bringing their unique nutrition education program and approach to Chicago-area elementary school students at Disney Magnet II. As proud and enthusiastic sponsor of Pilot Light, members of the Lifeway team were on hand to help with chef-led lessons, serve a tasty and nutritious lunch, and […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

When you hear the word, “detox,” what are the first things to come to your mind? Juice cleanses? Strict diets composed purely of vegetables? Hunger and restrictive eating? A quick way to lose weight?   So called detox diets and cleanses are undoubtedly popular, as more and more people look for ways to look and […]

Meet Our Most Fashionable Kefir Flavor Yet

Just in time to welcome the warm spring weather, our Limited Edition Hibiscus Rhubarb Pie Low Fat Kefir is now available on shelves!   Inspired by the fresh flavors and patterns of spring, our new limited edition flavor is a collaboration with fashion designer Cynthia Rowley, a Chicago-native, strong female entrepreneur and long-time kefir fan. Drawing […]

Spring Clean Your Kitchen for a Healthy, Wealthy Season

While the weather here in Chicago still can’t make up its mind what season it is, the beginning of March signals for many that spring is on its way.   If you’re like many of the members of the Lifeway team, winter means hunkering down, bundling up and bracing yourself for weeks on end of […]

Kefir + Peanut Butter: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day

Today is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day – a day that doesn’t just celebrate the wonders of our favorite lunchtime legume, but allows all peanut butter lovers to openly express their adoration for an inexpensive, versatile and delicious meal staple.   Rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber and a slew of other essential vitamins and […]

Your Teeth on Kefir: Probiotics for Dental Health

For many people, February is the month of love. Not only is it the American Heart Association’s Heart Month, but everyone’s favorite love fest (also known as Valentine’s Day) falls smack dab in the middle. It’s subsequent celebration gives us a break from the winter blues with boxes of dark chocolate (for heart health, of […]

Superfood Spotlight: Hibiscus

With February coming to a close, we’re feeling the first inklings of the coming spring. From sunny afternoons and longer days to birds chirping and trees budding, we know that winter’s grasp is loosening and an end to our winter blues is nearby. While winter in the Midwest (where we happen to be) is typically an […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Healthy for Life

This week, as part of our coverage of American Heart Month, we’re tackling the topic of kids and heart health. Childhood is a time to run and play, to sleep long hours, to be stress-free. Unfortunately, today’s kids tend to spend more time on their tech gadgets than the jungle gym. Academic pressure has them […]

Heart Strong with Kefir: Your Heart and Probiotics

Hearts are a big deal, to put it simply, and we love reading the latest studies and findings about the small steps we can take outside of the doctor’s office to keep your ticker in tip-top shape. Our interest was especially piqued when we saw a recent headline, 11 Surprising Ways to Prevent a Heart […]