Search Results for "blueberries"

Son Dos, Prebioticos y Probioticos

Todo el mundo habla de los probióticos, esas enzimas y bacterias benéficas que ayudan a regular la digestión, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y que te hacen sentir bien. Los prebióticos son otro componente igualmente importante de una dieta saludable. ¿Pero qué son exactamente?   Prebióticos + probióticos = a una persona saludable Los prebióticos, por […]

Aguacate Relleno de Pico De Gallo y Kéfir

La acidez del pico de gallo combina con el sabor cremoso del aguacate y kéfir en una manera perfecta para agregar sabor y probióticos. Es una receta fácil de hacer y está llena de sabor. tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes 1 tomate cortado en cuadros pequeños ½ cebolla picada 1 cebolla verde picadas ½ pimiento jalapeño, sin […]

Horchata Con Kéfir

¡Prueba esta bebida clásica con los beneficios adicionales de nuestros kéfir! tamaño de la porción: 4 Ingredientes ½ taza de Plain Wholemilk Lifeway Kefir 1 taza de arroz blanco crudo 4 tazas de agua ½ taza de azúcar granulado (endulza con más azúcar, si lo deseas) 1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla 2 ramas de canela […]

Healthy Snacks that Boost Your Mood

  Have you ever felt that wave of bliss after enjoying a good meal? You’re not alone: the foods you eat not only contribute to your overall health, but they can improve your mood, too. If you’re looking to put some pep in your step consider adding some of these good mood foods to your diet: Dark Chocolate […]

Bites de Vainilla Latte Kéfir

¡Vence las prisas de las fiestas con nuestros bites de vainilla Latte Kefir! ¡Son perfectos para un refrigerio en el camino, estos bocados combinan suaves toques de vainilla con el café en un postre del tamaño de un bocado! Junto con los beneficios para la salud de nuestro kéfir, estos bites te ayudarán a pasar […]

What are natural flavors?

Artificial flavors, natural flavors – you’ve seen them on labels, but what are the differences between the two? Natural flavors, as the name indicates, are derived from real, natural sources. All natural flavors that Lifeway uses are made from fruit juices, fruit essences, and essential oils. The fruit flavoring is derived from the fruit itself. […]

Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone

We’re back with part two in our three part Spring Clean Your Diet with Amie Valpone series. Amie is a good friend of ours and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation and Reset Your Body. If you missed part one of the series, check it out here. […]

Superfood Spotlight: Hibiscus

With February coming to a close, we’re feeling the first inklings of the coming spring. From sunny afternoons and longer days to birds chirping and trees budding, we know that winter’s grasp is loosening and an end to our winter blues is nearby. While winter in the Midwest (where we happen to be) is typically an […]

Mindful Sipping, Intuitive Eating

Imagine yourself at your  family’s big annual holiday dinner this past December. Food is everywhere – bowls of salty nuts, a massive shrimp cocktail tray, a huge buffet of dinner dishes and a dessert cart crammed with cakes, cookies and pies. Did you: Pick up a single peppermint stick and retreat to a quiet bedroom, […]