Search Results for "healthy ingredient spotlight"

Cinnamon Twist Toast

We took the classic childhood favorite of warm cinnamon toast and gave it a healthy probiotic upgrade. With soft warm raisin bread, cinnamon farmer cheese, and caramelized bananas, this #toasttuesday is taking us on a trip down memory lane! Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You Actually Need to Know With increasing research linking the correlation […]

Golden Chia Pudding

Golden milk is the blend of lore and science. The ingredients of golden milk allow you to embody the energy of peace without having to visit a meditation space. It contains both turmeric, cinnamon, and black which are associated with the element of fire and are believed to contain purifying and healing properties. The golden […]

Butternut Cinnamon Date Smoothie Bowl

Honor the annual squash harvest with our butternut cinnamon date smoothie bowl. This recipe is a tasty way to show your appreciation of the earth and the nutrients it provides. Packed with fiber to help keep you full and spices to help reduce inflammation in the body, let his autumn blend help you thrive this […]

Holy Moly, it’s National Guacamole Day!

Food fanatics that we are at Lifeway, we’re always more than happy to celebrate special foods on special days. From Chocolate Milkshake Day to Ice Cream Sundae Day, Waffle Day and beyond, we know that good food is fuel for our bodies, but also feeds to soul.     Which brings us to National Guacamole […]

Wonderful Watermelon Day

No summer is complete without indulging in a slice or six of succulent, juicy watermelon. Sweet, crisp and refreshing, ripe watermelon is a staple fruit of summer and worthy of a day dedicated to celebrating it’s existence, which happens to be today. National Watermelon Day That’s right, watermelon (like so many other foods) has a dedicated to it, and because […]

What is Food Safety Day?

Did you know that there are more than 200 different diseases that are caused by unsafe food – food containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, chemical substances? Or that there are estimated to be more than two million deaths from contaminated drinking water every year? That food safety can be compromised on every level of food […]

A Superfood Smoothie is a Hangover Helper

The best cure for a hangover? Prevention. But with so much champagne flowing on New Year’s Eve, it can be easy to overdo it. Just in case that bubbly leaves you with a queasy stomach and mega-headache, you would be wise to head into the new year with smart choices and gut-healthy actions. Things to […]

It Takes Two: Prebiotics and Probiotics

Everyone’s talking about probiotics these days – the enzymes and bacteria that help regulate digestion, support immunity and generally make you feel good. Prebiotics are another, equally important component of a healthy diet. But what exactly are they?

Coldbuster Kefir Smoothie

Boost your immune system in the comfort of your own home with a Cold Buster Smoothie. This blend has carefully curated ingredients that work together as a strong defense against pathogens and germs. Start with a little bit of orange, the citrus ball of juicy goodness, as it is a wonderful source of vitamin C, […]

Inner Glow Collagen Inducer

Awaken your energy and passion with this Inner Glow Collagen Inducer! Collagen is a family of proteins that play an essential role in maintaining tissue strength throughout our body.  Hence, our skin, hair, bone, tendon, and ligaments can all benefit from the affects of it. These earthy ingredient of beets, oranges, and raspberries are rich in […]